Showing 97–108 of 818 results
Franck Oudin goes big and bare with the Italeri kit.
Shane Doak is another Eduard forty-eighth fighter fan; their Mk.I Spitfire.
Chris Meddings dives into the new Eduard 1:48 Zero.
Ben Schumacher spices-up Academy’s 1:35 chopper.
Kent Karlsen builds the 1:32 Lukgraph kit with bespoke rail transport.
The skill of scratchbuilding demonstrated by Nikos Kosmadakis’ Spider.
Florin Claudiu Silaghi shares his home country fighter in 1:32.
Bernd Willmer describes some alternative weathering on his Revell 1:32 Me 262.
The conclusion of Nils Hayn’s ambitious super-sized 1:24 Bf 109 project.
John Wilkes builds the big, beautiful delta wing Dassault.
The new Border 1:35 Bf109G slides in.
Part two of Mauro Cescutti’s stunning 1:8 scratchbuild.
Showing 97–108 of 818 results