Showing 85–96 of 1820 results
Gary Matthews digs the 1:35 Border kit of the Leopard based engineer.
John ‘Spud’ Murphy returns with more big-scale armour antics.
A Fine brace of Friedrich Fighters in 1:72 with Eduards Bf-109 F2/F4 Combo set modelled by Jamie Haggo.
Albert Tureczek photographs and models Europe’s ‘Guardian of the Skys’.
Copperstate’s delicate 1:48 French Fancy modelled by Lorenzo Borgesa.
Rene Van Der Hart works some magic on the Kinetic 1:48 kit.
Francesco Pernice’s striking D-Day striped F-15.
Italeri’s new 1:32 Italian Fighter by Italian Modeller Paolo Portuesi- bellissimo!
Christophe Treize builds the Resicast early U.S. Army truck.
Michael Wolff’s chilly Ardennes scene.
A quick look at our annual hop north of the border.
Wes Lanz creates the well photographed Sheridan in the Vietnam War.
Showing 85–96 of 1820 results