Showing 1–12 of 43 results
16243 1:16 .50Cal. Flexible Ammunition Belt
Flexible resin 50 Cal ammunition belt 88mm long with incredibly life-like movement to allow you.
16229 1:16 M113 Stowed Spare Tracks
3D printed correction upgrade for the pair of stowed tracks on the AHHQ M113.

Sold out
16224 1:16 M113 Tracks with worn track pads
Corrected tracks for the AHHQ M113 kit which feature worn pads for.

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16223 1:16 Vietnam Era .50 Cal Ammunition Boxes
A set of three closed and one open .50 Cal Ammunition boxes, 3D.
16224 1:16 M60 7.62mm Flexible Ammunition Belt
These flexible resin ammunition belts allow you easily pose the belt as you wish,.
16222 1:16 M60 Ammunition Boxes Vietnam Era
This set of four 3D printed 7.62mm Ammunition boxes can be used as stowage.
16221 1:16 M60 Machine Gun
Our incredibly detailed 3D printed M60 Machine Gun in stand alone format supplied with a choice.
16220 1:16 M60 Machine Guns with M113 ACAV Shield Mounts
This is a highly detailed 3D printed set of two M60.
16219. 1:16 Vietnam Era US M18 Smoke Grenades
Set of 10 3D printed M18 Smoke Grenades.
16218 1:16 Set of two Sten Guns
Two highly detailed Sten Guns 3D printed with separate magazines.
16217 1:16 Bren gun MkII with pintle mount for Universal Carrier
This 3D printed highly detailed Bren has the pintle mount.
16216 1:16 Bren Gun Mk.II with deployed bipod
If you need the Bren with its bipod deployed then this is the.
Showing 1–12 of 43 results