Latest AFV Book Titles
As the publishers of the highly regarded AFV Modeller and AIR Modeller Magazines it seemed to be a natural progression for us to enter into book publishing and we have been working over recent years towards the goal. We are very excited about this area of the hobby and hope in the future to have many interesting titles on offer.
AFV Digital App
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The AFV Digital App is a platform for our Digital Books to be published.
Our visually-led approach is carried over into our various themed books.
You can now download the app for FREE, the various publications are
available within the app at varied prices.
Available on the following formats: Apple | Android | Blurb book
Book Proposals
We welcome book proposals by aspiring and established authors and we are happy to discuss publishing partnerships with interested parties. It is our intention to produce high quality books both in terms of content and presentation, for modellers and related areas of Military History and equipment. For all publishing enquiries and proposals, please email us at da***@af*********.com