Showing 1645–1656 of 2402 results
Emmanuel Pernes offers a guides to weathering techniques using the 1:48th scale Tamiya Corsair.
Zdenek Sebesta gets to grips with the recent Eduard k.
Zachary Sex provides a selection of images from Polish aircraft museums with potential for some different modelling projects.
Pierre Alan Lambert builds a Turkish version of the F-100 in 1:72nd scale.
Ricardo Rodriquez’s feature on building his naked IL-2m Sturmovik.
Hasegawa’s Nightfighter Modelled and described by Romain Hugault.
Megas Tsonos demonstrates the techniques behind his scratchbuilt flying boat.
Franck Oudin builds the recently re issued 1:48th scale Italeri kit.
Brushing on a budget, We compare three budget priced double action airbrushes.
Air Born - New releases
Tamiya’s 1:48th scale Mosquito modelled by Tomás de la Fuente Magant.
The F7F-3P Tigercat.
Showing 1645–1656 of 2402 results