Showing 2401–2412 of 2422 results
Running up that Hill Part 2
The conclusion of Adam Wilder’s detailed account of his T34 diorama
Fall Tiger
Antonio Martin Tello describes.
Coarse - sair
Fanch Lubin roughs up a French Naval Corsair.
Phooning Around Part 2
The Editor concludes his look at MDC’s 1:32nd.
F-18A Hornet
The second part of Diego Quijano’s feature on painting his stunning small scale Hornet
The he Lockheed P-38 Lightningg
The Editor.
F-18A Hornet
The first part of a two part feature on Diego Quijano’s stunning small scale Hornet
Avro Manchester
Cameron Lees backdates the.
The Editor looks at the impressive new Trumpeter kit and begins a series building the kit.
Savoia S.21
The Finemolds seaplane kit from the Porco Rosso cartoon built by Luciano Rodriguez
He-162 Salamander
With a new Tamiya version of.
Cannon eNose
Carmell Zammit describes the evolution of his big nosed Me 262A-1a/U
Convair B-58 Hustler
Part one of Albert Tureczek’s reworking and.
Top Bubbletop
Luciano Rodriguez describes the techniques behind his stunning 1:72nd scale Tamiya P-47D
Arado Ar 234
Zdenek Sebesta gives the Hasegawa kit.
Running up that Hill
Part one of a two-parter by Adam Wider who guides you through the techniques behind his latest.
69 Ton Signpost
The Dragon Porsche King Tiger modelled in a new postwar role by David Parker
Distant Target
Graeme Newman models the.
M1A1 (HA) Abrams
Derek Browns describes his incredible small scale Abrams
Complete Crusader Part 2
Ricardo Rodriguez completes his Crusader and descibes his.
Aufklarungspanzer 140/1
Chris Leeman describes how he knocked the old VM kit into shape
Complete Crusader Part 1
Ricardo Rodriguez sets about the.
Showing 2401–2412 of 2422 results